It’s National Women’s Health Week and now is the time to advocate for your health! As a woman, you might be faced with responsibilities like work, motherhood, or staying active in causes you care about in your community.

It’s easy to forget about your needs over time when you’re busy caring for others, and this can ultimately take a toll on your physical and mental health. Nearly 70% of women report feeling burnt out from work and stress. You can’t be there for the people you love if you’re burnt out, and you deserve the happiness and fulfillment you inspire in others.

At myCallADoc, it’s important to us to highlight women’s health so that you can be the best version of yourself. Whether you’re planning for a baby, volunteering within your community, or dealing with hormonal changes as you age, your mind and body will go through plenty in your lifetime.

If you’re worried about staying healthy and fit as you age, consider these tips to elevate your health as a woman. Slowly include them in your daily routine, and you’ll feel the difference sooner than you think!

1. Increase Your Physical Activity

You’ve heard your doctor say it before — regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Physical activity provides a variety of benefits, both physical and mental.

Heart disease and sleep issues are two of the most common women’s health problems you can face at any age. Regular exercise has been shown to decrease the likelihood of developing several chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, several types of cancer, and dementia. It also helps you fall asleep easier and maintain restful sleep throughout the night.

Exercise helps you feel your best emotionally, too. Working out gives you a rush of dopamine and energy that can help get you through the day, and it’s been shown to help women cope with feelings of depression.

You know it’s important for you, but it can be difficult to get started with a workout routine for the first time. Just remember to go at your own pace, stretch before and after, and aim for roughly 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week.

You don’t even need a gym membership  — your daily workout can be as simple as a quick jog or walk around the block.

2. Balance your Diet

Your diet determines a lot about your health. A balanced diet can help prevent the same diseases as regular exercise, and you’ll need to eat right to care for your body during various stages of your life.

During menopause, many women experience issues ranging from hot flashes to osteoporosis as a result of hormonal fluctuations. When pregnant, your dietary needs will be more nuanced since you’re eating for two.

Iron-rich foods like red meat or dark leafy greens are important for women going through menopause or pregnancy. Calcium-rich foods like yogurt and cheese can help promote bone health during your later years.

How much you eat is just as important as what you eat, so remember to keep portion sizes in mind when choosing your meals.  For example, you can try having small snacks in between your bigger meals. A handful of nuts or a piece of fruit can make a difference in how much you crave later on.

As long as you eat in moderation and keep your health in mind, you can enjoy a wide variety of tasty meals and indulge once in a while.

3. Get Restful Sleep

Getting adequate sleep is incredibly important for your health and fitness. If you’ve ever pulled an all-nighter, you know just how draining it feels the next day, and even for the rest of your week. 

But being tired isn’t the only risk to your health. Sleep deprivation can lead to all sorts of cognitive and emotional issues over time like mood swings, trouble concentrating, and memory issues. Lack of sleep can also lead to weakened immunity, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

As a woman, you might be used to juggling a lot of responsibilities at once, and you can’t afford to let things slip through the cracks. But in order to feel your best, you’ll need to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep a night.

If you’re having trouble falling asleep, there are several ways you can help your mind and body relax. Try not using your phone an hour before bed, or start a meditation routine to slow your thoughts.

4. Manage Stress

Everyone faces bouts of stress, and it’s actually healthy to experience a small amount now and then. However, chronic stress can have severe effects on your mind and body, and you may not even recognize it.

If you’re chronically stressed out, it can make it nearly impossible for your body’s stress hormones to function properly. This can lead to issues with your reproductive, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems. The mental effects can also become more serious, with depression affecting nearly 5% of adults in America

You can’t pour into someone else’s cup when yours is empty. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, there are many ways to cope and center yourself. Try breathing exercises, distracting yourself with your favorite hobby, or reaching out to a loved one.

Stress is physically and emotionally draining, and there are resources out there if you need help. Seek out a therapist or a counselor if you can, or reach out to community centers for guidance.

5. Keep Up With Appointments and Screenings

This is perhaps one of the least-discussed women’s health topics. In a world where everyone is struggling to keep up with the latest diet or workout routine, we don’t often talk about how important it is to keep up with your appointments and screenings.

A lot of health issues can go unnoticed. This can lead to getting diagnoses months or years after the onset of symptoms, causing you to miss out on much-needed treatment along the way. It’s always better to treat any health concern immediately since prolonging can lead to more problems down the road.

You’ll need your yearly check-up, and your regular eye and dental exams. As a woman, you’ll also need a few unique exams:

  • Pelvic exam (yearly)
  • Pap Smear (every 3 years)
  • Mammogram (yearly)
  • Ovarian screenings (every 3 years)

Improve Your Health and Fitness

Women carry a lot of responsibilities between balancing work, family, and friends that can lead to burnout and chronic stress. It’s important to stay on top of your health, especially if your plate is full.

Your body is capable of doing incredible things, but only when you take care of it.

By slowly incorporating these women’s health tips into your everyday life, you can continue to live a healthy and vibrant lifestyle.

Another great way to monitor your health is to stay on top of frequent doctor’s visits and preventative care.

myCallADoc offers 24/7 access to online general medicine doctors who can help you stay on top of your wellness plan every day.

Learn just how easy it is to stay in touch with your care team with myCallADoc >


This article is not intended as medical advice. Always check with your doctor before embarking on a health and wellness plan.

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