
Online General Medicine Services

Get 24/7 access to board-certified General Medicine doctors with myCallADoc telemedicine services.

With myCallADoc telemedicine services, taking care of your health just got easier.
Our telehealth services provide you with around-the-clock access to board-certified General Medicine doctors who can diagnose and treat a wide range of health issues.
Skip the doctor’s office and get instant access to qualified health professionals 24/7, 365 days a year.

Why Choose a Virtual General Medicine Doctor?

Your primary care or General Medicine doctor helps diagnose and treat you and your family’s medical issues as you age and grow.

But they might not always be available when you need them. And if you don’t have health insurance, you might not have a primary care doctor at all.

At myCallADoc, we don’t think you should have to wait to talk to a General Medicine doctor when you need it. Our telemedicine services allow you to get the professional health care you need from wherever you are — home, the office, or even on vacation.

Once you sign up to become a member, you can talk to an online board-certified doctor in minutes.Our General Medicinedoctors can diagnose and treat you and your family’s health issues, write prescriptions, and help you affordably manage your long-term health.

Plus, you can reduce your exposure to common illnesses (including COVID-19) by staying home and skipping the doctor’s office.

What Does an Online General Medicine Doctor Treat?

Using your smartphone, laptop, or tablet, you can discuss your health concerns with our board-certified General Medicine doctors anytime anywhere.

Whether you have an ongoing health condition or are experiencing new symptoms, our online General Medicine doctors can help you get back on track with your health

Our virtual doctors can treat, diagnose, and write prescriptions for over 50+ medical issues. They can also write referrals for more specialized care when you need it.

Routine Exams

Routine exams are essential for long-lasting health and wellness. From checking your weight and blood pressure to testing for more serious conditions, it’s important to get regular exams even when you feel well.

A myCallADoc, our virtual General Medicine doctors will study your unique medical history and family health background to determine which exams you need and when. This can include routine exams for sexually transmitted diseases, cancer screens, or testing for diabetes.

These exams can help you continue to care for your body and mind. And they’ll be more affordable and accessible than ever with a myCallADoc membership at your fingertips.

Chronic Illnesses

A chronic illness can be long-lasting and difficult to manage over the course of your life. If you live with a chronic illness, it’s even more important to see our online doctors who you can see as many times as you want – at no additional cost.

Our general medicine doctors can help manage your chronic conditions, and provide treatment and referrals for potentially dangerous conditions like cancer and diabetes.

References to Specialists

It’s common to require specialized treatment once you have a diagnosis. Our board-certified doctors are happy to help direct you to an ENT doctor, Dermatologist, Pediatrician, and mental health specialists.

Never wait weeks or months for a referral to a specialist. Our online doctors can send you referrals immediately, all from the comfort of your home, office, or hotel room.

Save Money with Affordable and Convenient On-Demand Telehealth Care Services

Convenient & Affordable Care

For only $28 a month, you and your family can get 24/7 care from our virtual doctors wherever you are, any day a year. Our online general medicine doctors are available whenever you need them, without ever having to step foot in a doctor’s office or wait weeks for an appointment.

No Extra Costs

Your family can also access ongoing doctor visits at no extra cost. If you have a chronic illness or need frequent visits, you’ll never have to worry about spending more money. You can discontinue your membership whenever you want at no cost.

No Insurance Necessary

With a myCallADoc monthly membership, you don’t need health insurance to sign up. No copays, no deductibles, and no hidden fees.

Save on Prescriptions

You can also get your prescriptions sent to your local pharmacy the same day. As a myCallADoc member, you can save up to 80% on certain prescriptions. That’s more savings, more flexibility, and more value.

Get instant and access to affordable care for your family. Join myCallADoc today!


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