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Author: marketing

7 Nutritious Snacks Your Kids Will Love This Summer 

The days are getting longer, and the weather is warming up. You know what that means — summer is coming, and your kids are going to have lots of free time on their hands. It’s important to keep your little ones fed and energized throughout the day, so it’s wise to stock up on summer […]

5 Important Benefits of Exercise That Can Change Your Life

You know that regular exercise can improve and maintain your overall health, but do you know why?  You’ve seen ads for gyms and equipment on TV, billboards, and in magazines — you may also feel a bit of pressure from those around you to start working out. It’s commonly accepted that you should incorporate exercise […]

Suffering from Common Skin Allergies? Get Instant At-Home Relief

Your skin is exposed to a lot. As the largest organ of the body, it absorbs whatever you apply — lotion, makeup, creams — and acts as a front line of defense against the elements.  You might’ve had the concerning experience of discovering an allergic skin reaction or body rash. Finding irritated, red, and blotchy […]

Why Telemedicine Is Here To Stay After The Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way Americans accessed healthcare forever. Throughout 2020, many hospitals around the world reached capacity with a huge influx of COVID-19 patients. And as the virus continued to spread, patients didn’t want to put themselves or their families at risk by going into the doctor’s office for routine care. Telehealth services […]

Build More Activity Into Your Workday With These Easy At-Home Tips

Whether you work from home or you’re back at the office, many Americans spend most of their day sitting. And all that sitting can mean you’re not getting as much movement into your day as you’d like. According to the CDC, only 1 in 4 American adults gets enough exercise throughout the day. And many […]

6 Ways to Protect Your Eyes as a Freelancer

For most of us, screens are part of our everyday lives — from sun-up to sundown. And as a freelancer, screens are part of your work and play. You lie in bed scrolling through Instagram after your alarm goes off, using the glow of the screen to prevent you from falling back asleep. In the morning, […]

Don’t Wait! 7 Reasons You Should See an Online Dermatologist this Year

You’ve probably seen your skin change over the years. A couple new spots or bumps just seem to come with the territory of aging. Going the dermatologist may seems trivial if you don’t have any immediate skin issues. And maybe you don’t want to risk being exposed to any viruses lurking in the waiting room. […]

Is it a Cold or Allergies? This Checklist Will Help

Spring is here, which means the weather is warming up, and the sun is sticking around longer each day. Sunny days and April showers bring blooming flowers — which are easy on the eyes, but tough on the respiratory system. And since the common cold continues to lurk year-round, even during allergy season, it makes […]

6 Ways Telemedicine Can Save You Money and Keep You Healthy

If there’s one thing the last year has taught us, it’s the importance of maintaining your health. And not just making sure you eat nutritious food and exercise regularly, but that you also have a safety net for when unavoidable illnesses and accidents occur. Sometimes, that’s easier said than done. Healthcare can be expensive — whether […]

Stay Healthy This Flu Season with These 8 Super Foods

Feeling a little stuffed up lately? Cold and flu season is upon us, which means doing everything you can to stay healthy. If you have access to a flu shot, that’s your first step to avoid flu symptoms. But it’s also important to stay physically active in the winter months. Not only does this keep […]

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